Sunday, May 22, 2016

What's A Privy?

We just visited the Lexington, SC history museum. It was very interesting but there was something that I didn't understand. Outhouses are called many several things: outhouses, necessaries, and privies. I don't know where the word "privy" comes from so I am going to look it up.

3 hours later...

Ok. Privy comes from the word "private" or the Latin word "privatus"  a privy is different from an outhouse. Here are some differences: a privy is a bench with up to 6 holes in it:

 where an outhouse only has one:

And a privy was used commonly in the medieval times on the second floor so they could have chutes that went to the ground that would then be cleaned by "Gong Farmers". They also had bars at the ends of the chutes so that atttackers could not get in. I also searched privy in the online dictionary and it told me that "privy" meant someone that knows something secret or private. If you learned something from this post let me know👇🏻down below👇🏻and I will see you next time,

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