Sunday, May 22, 2016

Fulltime Families Rally

I have to be honest. I was reluctant to attend a rally. See, I'm an extreme introvert. I enjoy my time alone. The company of too many people makes me very uncomfortable. The thought of having to socialize all day, every day for a few days in a row makes me very uncomfortable. In fact, I spent the month prior trying to figure out a way to NOT attend our first rally.

So what was the purpose in planning to attend such a gathering? For my kids, of course. I envisioned an environment with endless opportunities to make new friends and a place for them to play with peers who lived a similar lifestyle. Steve was also looking forward to the rally as he had connected through social media with others over the past few months.

What happened at the rally? Awesomeness! Seriously! There were so many friendly people. We arrived in Tampa early. This allowed for smaller pre-rally gatherings which weren't as overwhelming.

I have heard others refer to their first rally as a game changer for their family. While our first rally wasn't a game changer, it will cause us to alter our travel plans in the future. We have made connections with other families that we will always cherish. We hope to attend more events in the future. 

I am thankful for the friendships we have made and the support we continue to receive from other Full Time families. I feel so fortunate to be part of this group! 


  1. Good article Karen ! I never thought of you as an extreme introvert. So glad you and the family enjoyed yourselves and you are looking forward to this in the future !!

  2. Good article Karen ! I never thought of you as an extreme introvert. So glad you and the family enjoyed yourselves and you are looking forward to this in the future !!
