April fools is coming up and I have a couple pranks for you today. The first is sure to gross out mom.
You need:
A raisin
A fly
1. Let the fly fly around the house.
2. Hold the raisin in your palm.
3. Swat at the fly then pop a raisin in your mouth.
It will look like you're eating a fly!
This one's funny!
You need:
Clear cup
2x jello (red)
Drinking straw
1. Make jello in cup.
2. Put the drinking straw in the clear cup before the jello chills.
3. Put in fridge for two hours.
It makes the thickest fruit punch ever!

This one was used on me last year.
You need:
Brown construction paper
Black marker
1. Draw "E"s on the paper.
2. Cut out the "E"s.
There - you have brown"e"s. Get it?

Good One but unfortunately im scare of fly !! 😂😂